STaM is Hebrew acronym for Sefer (a book), Tefillin and Mezuzahs.
The way Jewish culture and religion preserves and transmits during thousands of years the laws and traditions of scribal arts for properly writing Hebrew Bible's texts.
The Five Biblical books named Scrolls are shown in a separate section of the Gallery.
Logos, ExLibris, Monograms
Avraham Borshevsky
The design of this logo is based on the shape of a square heraldic shield. To the right of the diagonal is the letter Aleph. To the left under the diagonal is the letter Bet. In addition to the initials of the name and surname, these two letters mean "Alefbet" - the Hebrew alphabet. The diagonal in the center with the letter Shin symbolizes a mezuzah as a symbol of sacred Hebrew calligraphy, which, thanks to Avraham Borshevsky, received international recognition through the Guinness Book of Records.

The civic association EDAH, Slovakia
The word "Edah" in Hebrew means both "community" and "witness" in the feminine. The design of this logo includes the motif of the tallit, which is the traditional Jewish clothing worn during prayers.

The Yamma Ensemble, Israel
Ensemble Yamma, Israel’s leading delicate world music ensemble presents original contemporary Hebrew music. This logo, with the ensebmles's name in Hebrew, was written by quill and ink on genuine parchment.

The summer scout camp "Pereval", Ukraine
Handwritten Cyrillic letters and wind rose.

From the books of Moshe Cohen

Bet and Mem

Gimel and Mem

Aleph and Shin

L and D