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The Hidden Beauty of Things

At Heichal Shlomo Judaica museum - סדנת סופר-סת"ם במוזיאון היכל שלמה, ירושלים

"While a guide speaks to one, another is entertained with activities in the diorama room and yet a third enjoys a workshop conducted by sofer stam (scribe) Avraham Borshevsky, creator of the largest mezuza in the world - a fact recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. Borshevsky shows the children a feather and explains to them that although in the movies scribes are shown writing with real feathers, in reality this is rather uncomfortable and therefore the down is removed, leaving only the spine with which to write.The scribe takes the children on a journey into the world of parchment, Hebrew letters, tefillin, mezuzot and ink."

By Marion Fishel



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