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STaM is Hebrew acronym for Sefer (a book), Tefillin and Mezuzahs.
The way Jewish culture and religion preserves and transmits during thousands of years the laws and traditions of scribal arts for properly writing Hebrew Bible's texts.
The Five Biblical books named Scrolls are shown in a separate section of the Gallery.
"Master of the worlds..."
Miraculous prayer of the Apter Rebbe (Poland, 1748 - Russian Empire, 1825).
Ink and gilding on goatskin parchment.

"A Soul"
A Sabbath Song composed by Moses Schreiber / Chatam Sofer (Frankfurt, 1762 – Pressburg, 1839)

Custom bride's prayer designed as a tambourine
Ink and gilding on a flat goatskin parchment.

A bride's prayer

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