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STaM is Hebrew acronym for Sefer (a book), Tefillin and Mezuzahs.
The way Jewish culture and religion preserves and transmits during thousands of years the laws and traditions of scribal arts for properly writing Hebrew Bible's texts.
The Five Biblical books named Scrolls are shown in a separate section of the Gallery.

Avraham Borshevsky shares his knowledge and experience with those who are fascinated by Jewish traditional writing and keen to know and learn.
For adults, adults with children 6+
Venue: in the atmosphere of the Jerusalem workshop of Avraham Borshevsky, or visiting - in Israel and abroad
Number of participants: in the studio up to 10, offsite - unlimited
Duration: from 1 hour to 2.5 hours
Cost: 800 shekels per hour for a group of up to 10 participants. Each additional participant pays 80 shekels. Discount for organizations
Languages: Hebrew, Russian
Depending on the time frame and interests, you can not only learn about the role of writing and calligraphy in Jewish culture, but also touch on the following topics:
STAM: Torah scroll, tefillin, mezuzah
Spirit and Letter: History and Secrets of the Hebrew Alphabet
Kosher parchment making, feathering, ink making
Purpose, content and features of writing sacred Jewish scrolls using the example of the Torah scroll
Calculation of personal passages from a Torah scroll according to the Biblical horoscope
Mezuzah: biblical commandment and amulet
The Mezuzah in the Guinness Book of Records
Everyone can receive a pre-ordered PARCHMENT NAMEPLATE written in Hebrew letters with a numerological decoding of its gematria. Cost: starts from 250 shekels.
For more information please use the contact form.

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